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How to Become a Diplomat ?
How to Get a Diplomatic Passport ?

Our website is
Just email us to Easy@Diplomats.Com (Easy @ Diplomats . Com - without spaces)

What is a diplomatic passport ?

Diplomatic passport is issued to diplomats of a country and their accompanying children and wife for official international travel and residence.

Diplomatic immunity is a form of legal immunity that ensures that ambassadors are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country's laws.

As you know some third world countries (or more exactly diplomatic officials of these countries) offer their diplomatic credentials for sale. What is the reason of it ? The main reason is money, of course, and desire to earn this money.

Our website is
Just email us to Easy@Diplomats.Com (Easy @ Diplomats . Com - without spaces)

What can we do for you ? We have some friends in one tiny Pacific country (among their ambassadors and government officials) and we are able to provide you with some assistance and help to get you diplomatic documents at a reasonable sum of money (not millions or hundreds of thousand dollars).

So, if you want to buy a diplomatic position you are welcome to email us via e-mail Easy@Diplomats.Com (Easy @ Diplomats . Com - without spaces)

Our website is

buy diplomatic documents, buy diplomatic passport, diplomatic passport for sale, diplomatic immunity for sale, become a diplomat
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